Solo Tabletop Miniature Skirmish Games

Tabletop Metagame…Solo

With the change in the tabletop metagame climate due to “social distancing”, games that can be played solo might be a life saver. I have a couple of gaming buddies I meet up with every week or so but we have not been able to do that lately. Most of the games we play are head to head games requiring two or more players.

With these things in mind I want to explore a few tabletop miniature skirmish games that have solo rules. These can also be played as co-op games where all players work together and some are vs games where players can also go head to head.

Use Your Own Minis

These games are not miniature specific so you can use any minis that you have available. Fantasy is the main theme here working with minis you may already have for D&D or other fantasy themed games you own that include miniatures. These games also have another great feature being available as a PDF download or ebook. This means you can grab the game, round up some miniatures, set up a table and play today!

Sellswords and Spellslingers is a set of fantasy skirmish miniature rules that can be played with the included character tokens that come with the PDF. This makes it a full print and play game. If you don’t have a bunch of minis but do have a color printer you’re set! Interesting activation system using event cards keeps the action flowing.

Frostgrave is the first miniatures game I tried solo. I ran through the Dark Alchemy adventure with just a single warband against the monster AI. Lot’s of fun. The author of Frostgrave has expanded on solo play in the recent expansion release Perilous Dark. The discussion in this first part of the book leans toward designing your own scenarios. Later chapters presents some scenarios created by the author that are ready to play. Note that Frostgrave 2nd Edition is releasing in July 2020!

Rangers of Shadow Deep is probably my favorite from this list. With strong RPG style campaign play and card activated events this game fills me with joy each time I play. I look forward to the new Deluxe edition featured here with the ranger green embossed cover (also available as a PDF download). Complete campaigns with linked scenarios make for compelling solo gaming as your ranger levels up. This also includes some level ups for your warband members which makes each of your miniatures more personal.

Next post we will explore some miniatures and terrain to set up a simple fantasy solo skirmish battle. Have Fun!

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